What's is the Nutri-Score and how does it work? -
Salut à tou.te.s,
Le Nutri-Score, système d'étiquetage nutritionnel introduit en France en 2017, aide les consommateurs à choisir des aliments plus sains en les classant de A à E. Bien qu'utile pour beaucoup, il suscite des débats sur son efficacité et son impact sur les produits traditionnels et industriels.
The Nutri-Score, a nutritional labeling system introduced in France in 2017, helps consumers choose healthier foods by classifying them from A to E. Although useful for many, it sparks debate about its effectiveness and its impact on traditional and industrial products.
Related episode: le régime méditerranéen
Is there a similar system in your country?
Do you think the nutritional values ​​of food products are very important?
Would a system like Nutri-Score influence your personal choices?
How could it be improved? Or expanded?
Should it be made mandatory?
watch this week's episode about Nutri-Score: https://youtu.be/FxX14oU1Vjw (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).
prepare one or two questions
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