Say cheese! -
Salut à tou.te.s,
What is there to say about cheese, other than the fact that it is delicious and that it makes you smile on pictures? Well, a lot obviously. Where does it come from? What is a good cheese? To that question, the medieval book "Le Ménagier de Paris" answers: "Neither Argos, nor Helena, nor Maria Magdalena, but Lazarus and Martin, with the heaviness of a pontiff". Let's figure out together what that means! (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).
Join this week's conversations:
- Tuesday August 29, 2023
- Sunday September 3, 2023
Bonne semaine et à bientôt!
Good news📚
Who's up for reading French books together? But before we start a book club, here are a couple of questions:
Word of the week: "épicerie", nom féminin
• Commerce, magasin où l’on vend des produits de consommation courante. ⇄ grocery store
- (fr) « Le fromage, pilier de la gastronomie française »:
- (fr) L’ascension du fromage au Moyen Âge: