What's your vision of the future? -
Salut à tou.te.s,
Pierre Cardin, célèbre couturier visionnaire, incarne le futurisme. Connu pour ses robes-bulles et pour avoir travaillé avec des artistes comme Jean Cocteau et les Beatles, il a également participé à la conception d'un chef-d'œuvre architectural, le Palais Bulles. Cet espace avant-gardiste, fermé au public, vient d'être dévoilé dans un article du magazine Vogue.
Pierre Cardin, famous visionary couturier, embodies futurism. Known for his bubble dresses and for having worked with artists like Jean Cocteau and the Beatles, he also participated in the design of an architectural masterpiece, the Palais Bulles. This avant-garde space, closed to the public, has just been unveiled in an article in Vogue magazine.
Related episodes: la haute couture, la Côte d'Azur, le parfum
watch this week's episode about Pierre Cardin: https://youtu.be/l1AZxkxxiXU (subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).
(optional) read the Vogue article about the Palais Bulles: https://www.vogue.fr/culture/a-voir/diaporama/poussez-les-portes-du-palais-bulles-de-pierre-cardin-asvoff-festival-mode/49796
prepare one or two questions
Join us in this week's sessions:
Tuesday December 17, 2024
Sunday December 22, 2024
Bonne semaine et à bientôt,