What fascinates or challenges you most about Paul Gauguin’s life and work? -

Salut à tou.te.s,
Réputé pour son mode de vie hors norme et son esprit rebelle, tant dans sa vie que dans son art, Paul Gauguin a quitté l'Europe, abandonnant cinq enfants, pour entamer une nouvelle vie à Tahiti. Mais ce choix audacieux a-t-il rendu son art plus captivant ? Et serions-nous encore fascinés par le peintre que nous connaissons aujourd'hui si nous pouvions dissocier l'homme de son œuvre ?
Well known for his lifestyle and his rebellious behavior (both in life and in art), Paul Gauguin sailed away from Europe, leaving five children behind, to start a new life in Tahiti. Did it make his art more interesting? Could he have been the painter we still recognize to this day if we could separate the man from the art?
🌻 If you're intrigued by Paul Gauguin's time with Vincent Van Gogh in Arles, Provence, join us for an unforgettable journey through the region from May 11 to 17, 2025. 🌸
Related topics: Vincent Van Gogh, l'impressionnisme
watch this week's episode about Paul Gauguin: https://youtu.be/6qNEDvAfdew (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).
prepare one or two questions
Join us in this week's sessions:
Tuesday January 14, 2025
Sunday January 19, 2025
Bonne semaine et à bientôt,