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L'impressionnisme 🎨


What and how important is impressionism in the history of art? -

Salut à tou.te.s,

1874 marque la naissance de ce mouvement artistique incontournable qu’est l’impressionnisme. Cette année-là, plusieurs artistes dissidents décident d’exposer ensemble leurs tableaux constamment refusés au Salon officiel de l’art académique. Parmi ces artistes, il y a Monet, Renoir, Morisot, etc. Sans le savoir, leur rébellion artistique sera un point tournant majeur de l’histoire de l’art.

1874 marks the birth of this essential artistic movement that is Impressionism. That year, several dissident artists decided to exhibit together their paintings, which were constantly refused at the official Salon of Academic Art. Among these artists, there are Monet, Renoir, Morisot, etc. Without knowing it, their artistic rebellion will be a major turning point in the history of art.


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  • Tuesday April 9, 2024

  • Sunday April 14, 2024

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🔗 (fr) 1874, la révolution impressionniste:


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