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Avignon 🎭

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

"À" or "en" Avignon? -

Salut à tou.tet.s,

Needless to introduce the widely famous Avignon bridge on which generations of people have danced in circular motion. But Avignon is much more than that. Taking advantage of its geographical position on the river Rhône, it was over the centuries a prosperous commercial city, and a papal center in France. And nowadays, located on the same train line between Paris, Lyon and Marseille, it also hosts the biggest theater festival in the world. (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).

Join this week's conversations:

- Tuesday September 12, 2023

- Sunday September 17, 2023

Bonne semaine et à bientôt,




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Word of the week, "palais", nom masculin

• Vaste et somptueuse résidence d’un chef d’État, d’un souverain, d’un personnage de marque, d’un richissime particulier. ⇄ palace

• anatomie – Partie supérieure de la bouche constituée d’une paroi qui la sépare des fosses nasales. ⇄ palate

• Sens du goût. ⇄ palate



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