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Ariane 🚀

The World is not Enough -

Salut à tou.te.s,

Fifty years of working, growing and improving. Europe's Ariane space launch program is about to send its all-new Ariane 6 vehicles, the next evolution of its flagship starship, into space. In constant evolution, this new rocket is destined to open the doors to a new technological future, or simply stay up to date with the multiple ever-growing space programs around the world. (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).

Related episodes: Mars 2020, le Concorde, le TGV, le Minitel

Let's talk this week about why and what it means to compete for some space in space in our time.

• Tuesday, August 8

• Sunday, August 13

Bonne semaine et à bientôt,



Utopian news🗞️

Will or could the train ever replace airplanes in Europe? The Economist did their little investigation. The results are yes, maybe, but there is still a lot of work…

The latest about Ariane🚀

Is Ariane really a total success? El Periódico de Catalunya isn’t fully convinced.

Word of the week: "lanceur, lanceuse", nom

• Personne qui lance un objet, notamment dans les sports. ⇄ thrower

• lanceur spatial — astronautique – Fusée, véhicule conçu pour envoyer une charge utile dans l’espace. ⇄ launch vehicle

• lanceur d’alerte — Personne qui dénonce un comportement illicite, abusif ou menaçant pour l’humain, la société, l’économie ou l’environnement en espérant préserver le bien commun. ⇄ whistleblower


• (fr) France Culture's "Ariane 5, les adieux à la reine":

• (fr) Arte's "L'Europe dans l'espace":

• (fr) C'est pas sorcier's "Qu'est-ce qu'un lanceur?":


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