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Nouvelle France industrielle 🏭


What are the projects of the future? -

Salut à tou.te.s,

La « Nouvelle France industrielle » est une série de nouveaux projets technologiques (E-éducation, voitures automatiques, usines du futur…). Le pays veut innover, rivaliser avec ses concurrents internationaux, et s’inscrire dans la continuité des grands projets du passé comme le Concorde, le Minitel, le TGV, Ariane et l'énergie nucléaire. Il mise sur des technologies vertes, l’intelligence artificielle et les énergies renouvelables pour relever les défis du XXIe siècle, tout en réinventant la grandeur industrielle qui a marqué l’histoire française.

The “New Industrial France” is a series of new technological projects (e-education, automatic cars, factories of the future, etc.). The country wants to innovate, compete with its international competitors, and follow in the footsteps of the great projects of the past such as Concorde, Minitel, TGV, Ariane and nuclear energy. It is banking on green technologies, artificial intelligence and renewable energies to meet the challenges of the 21st century, while reinventing the industrial grandeur that has marked French history.

Together, let's discuss and try to answer these questions:

  • What are these new projects? (Digital hospitals? Futuristic TGV? Eco-cargo?…)

  • What are the real challenges of the future?

  • Why does France rely so much on its image?

  • Is the country really in competition with other international powers?

  • What role should European and international cooperation play in the development of this New Industrial France?

Join us in this week's sessions:

  • Tuesday September 10, 2024

  • Sunday September 15, 2024

Bonne semaine et à bientôt,


Nouveau salon littéraire📚 les 10, 17 et 31 octobre, 2024

🌻Provence 2025🌸

The webpage with all you need to know will be published this week

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