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Alice Guy 🎥


Salut à tou.te.s,

Alongside the Lumière brothers and other big names in early French cinema such as Léon Gaumont, there is Alice Guy. With more than 700 short films, she was a major figure in the early ages of the seventh art. With films like "La Fée aux choux", she defined an era, both in France and in the United States. Yet, she (and her work) mysteriously disappeared from the records about a century ago, only to reappear in the 21st century.

(Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).

Related episodes: Colette, Coco Chanel

Let's understand why in this week's conversations:

• Tuesday, July 4

• Sunday, July 9

Bonne semaine et à bientôt, Rafaël


News🗞: Not only are we getting a new platform to join the same conversations, with discounted multiple-session packages available, we’re also getting a brand new Facebook and Instagram (not TikTok yet, that’s asking too much…)


word of the week: “métrage”, nom masculin • Action de métrer. ⇄ measurement (in meters) • cinéma – Longueur totale d’une pellicule cinématographique déterminant la durée du film. ⇄ length note: this word “métrage” is commonly used with “court” and “long”: • court métrage: Film de courte durée (généralement moins de vingt minutes). ⇄ short film · short • long métrage: Film dont la durée dépasse généralement une heure. ⇄ feature · feature film

Sources and links:

🔗 "La Fée aux choux":ée_aux_choux

🎬 (fr) ARTE's "Alice Guy: l'inconnue du 7è art":

🎬 "Les Résultats du féminisme":


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