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Alain Delon 🕶️


Updated: Oct 23, 2023

Who is Alain Delon? -

Salut à tou.te.s,

Alain Delon played the role of Caesar in one of the film adaptations of Astérix. For a reason. Alain Delon speaks of himself with the third-person pronoun, Alain Delon is the emperor of French cinema, Alain Delon is… Alain Delon. Raised for six decades as a cinema icon alongside Brigitte Bardot or other celebrities like Marlon Brando, James Dean, etc. Delon is still looking for the role that will end his career at the top. (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).

Suggested movies:

1. René Clément's "Plein Soleil"

2. Jacques Deray's "La Piscine"

Let's share our opinions on this controversial figure in this week's conversation:

- Tuesday October 10, 2023

- Sunday October 15, 2023

Bonne semaine et à bientôt,




Since the Summer, Alain Delon has been at the heart of French tabloids, in a story involving him, his latest girlfriend and his kids who are suing her:

Word of the week, "vedette", nom féminin

• Acteur ou artiste qui jouit d’une grande renommée. ⇄ star · celebrity

• Petit navire de guerre, très rapide, destiné à des missions de surveillance, d’observation. ⇄ patrol boat


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