Who is "Arsène Lupin"? -
Salut à tou.te.s,
Notice to all "lupinologists": the new season of Lupin is on Netflix. As fun and entertaining as ever, with a (big) touch of surrealism, this new story should be enjoyable for the whole family. Season 3 is once again led by superstar Omar Sy in the role of Assane Diop, number one fan of the old "Arsène Lupin" books by Maurice Leblanc. Who's the original Arsène Lupin, you ask? Let's figure it out this week in our sessions. And if you've watched the show, come with your opinions, there's a lot to be said.
Watch Lupin on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/80994082
Related episodes: La Main au Collet, les Trois Mousquetaires
This week's sessions:
- Tuesday October 24, 2023
- Sunday October 29, 2023
Bonne semaine et à bientôt,
Everyone seems still unsure why a new "Cité internationale de la langue française" has been inaugurated in the North of France. As The Times says, only time will say.
Word of the week, "cambrioleur, -euse", nom
• Personne qui commet un cambriolage. ⇄ burglar
• gentleman cambrioleur = Cambrioleur qui a des manières distinguées, galantes. [Arsène Lupin, l’archétype du gentleman cambrioleur.] ⇄ gentleman thief · lady thief · phantom thief