Do you know the Eiffel tower? -
Salut à tou.te.s,
In December 2023, we'll not only enjoy the many traditional celebrations. There is one extra that you might not have heard of. Gustave Eiffel, the one and only after whom a tower in Paris was named, died in 1923. For the centenary, all year round, Paris pays tribute to the creator of its emblematic monument. Check out the full article here:
(YouTube video subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).
Suggested watch: Eiffel, la Guerre des tours
Together this week, we'll be talking about the Eiffel tower and what it represents for Paris:
Tuesday December 12, 2023
Sunday December 17, 2023
Bonne semaine et à bientôt,
Like the rest of the world, la tour Eiffel had a pretty tough few years with Covid. Along with the fact that it needs to be ready and shiny for the Olympics in 2024!
Word of the week, "tour", mot masculin et féminin
féminin: • Bâtiment construit en hauteur, isolé ou faisant corps avec un édifice qu’il domine. ⇄ tower • jeux – Au jeu d’échecs, pièce ayant plus ou moins la forme de ce bâtiment et se déplaçant en ligne droite le long de la rangée ou de la colonne de la case qu’elle occupe. ⇄ rook
• Mouvement de rotation. ⇄ turn
• Mesure de la circonférence de quelque chose. ⇄ girth · circumference · lap