What kind of beast is Gérard Depardieu? -
Bonne année à tou.te.s,
To start this new year with a hot debate right off the news: his life is as hectic as his films are eclectic, his persona as colorful as some of his characters, we’re talking about Gérard Depardieu. The French actor is adored by the public, attracting the most audience of any living French actor. But the man behind the mask seems to have quite a few demons he’s struggling with. Should that make him less likable?
Join us in this week's conversations:
Tuesday January 2, 2024
Sunday January 7, 2024
Bonne semaine et à bientôt,
Suggested preparation:
Watch the short video about Gérard Depardieu: https://youtu.be/dB1tt944qi0 (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).
Find some info online (e.g. L'affaire Depardieu ou l'ambivalence française)
List the films you've watched starring Depardieu
Prepare at least one question to ask the other participants
Sign up for the next salon littéraire on Feb 1 and 15📚
"La Danseuse" de Patrick Modiano (Nobel & Goncourt prize winner)
🔗 Gérard Depardieu's filmography: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filmographie_de_G%C3%A9rard_Depardieu
🔗 Douze frasques de Gérard Depardieu depuis 20 ans: https://www.tvanouvelles.ca/2021/02/23/douze-frasques-de-gerard-depardieu-depuis-20-ans