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Donner des conseils 🧐

Salut à tou.te.s,

France is probably the country in the world that hosts the most philosophers per square meter. And for the best. There are so many questions with no right or wrong answer that need to be asked. One of them is whether advice should be given to people or whether they should be free to make their own mistakes. With the help of Aristotle, Akhlaghi and Athos from The Three Musketeers, we're going to try and give it a shot for ourselves this week. (Subtitles are available in French and English by clicking on the CC button on the YouTube control bar).

Join the conversations:

- Tuesday, July 18

- Sunday, July 23

Bonne semaine et à bientôt,



✝ Farewell Jane Birkin… We had the chance to talk about the life, work and impact of this cultural icon in our conversations about Serge Gainsbourg and Brigitte Bardot. We can gladly spend some more time talking about her this week.


🛜 Check out the new FCG Instagram page for news, quizzes and, you guessed it: pictures.


Word of the week: "sagesse", nom féminin

• Bonne connaissance des choses, connaissance spéculative du monde, qui cherche à en expliquer l’ordre. ⇄ wisdom

• Comportement vertueux, raisonnable. ⇄ moderation · virtuousness

• Caractère, conduite du sage, tempérance, calme empreint de supériorité venant des connaissances. ⇄ wiseness


- (fr) Faut-il donner des conseils à ses amis ?:

- (en) Farbod Akhlaghi's "Transformative experience and the right to revelatory autonomy":

- (en) Ever tried to stop a friend marrying someone, or moving far away? You could have made an ethical faux pas:


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